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Partnering for Health in MacArthur Boulevard

Data Snapshot for MacArthur Boulevard

Explore data that impacts health in the MacArthur Boulevard census tract. Refresh your page to see new data. View all data related to this area.
Compared to the Washtenaw, MI County Value (4.6%), 26161407400 has a value of 8.8%. Persons with a Cognitive Difficulty
(Compared to Washtenaw, MI County Value)
Compared to the Washtenaw, MI County Value (4.1%), 26161407400 has a value of 10.1%. Children with a Disability
(Compared to Washtenaw, MI County Value)
Compared to MI Census Tracts, 26161407400 has a value of 16.9% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50% have a value lower than 11.0% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value higher than 16.0%. Adults 65+ with Total Tooth Loss
(Compared to MI Census Tracts)
Compared to MI Census Tracts, 26161407400 has a value of 80.6% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50%  have a value higher than 84.3% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value lower than 82.3%. Cervical Cancer Screening: 21-65
(Compared to MI Census Tracts)
Compared to MI Census Tracts, 26161407400 has a value of 48.4% which is in the worst 25% of census tracts. Census tracts in the best 50%  have a value higher than 57.4% while census tracts in the worst 25% have a value lower than 50.6%. Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force
(Compared to MI Census Tracts)